Our values and commitments

Our Spirit

We believe in perfect behaviour, based upon: 

  • Respect for each individual.
  • Active listening.
  • Accessibility.
  • High standards – quality service.
  • Creativity and innovation.
  • Trustworthiness and openness.

We understand your competitive environment and market, and know how to find the right match, both for our Clients and our Candidates, thus ensuring maximum and mutual satisfaction. 

Our Values


This means we always respond to any request, however small, remain attentive to others, understand the most urgent expectations, and provide the best answers in the shortest possible time.


This leads us to constantly develop our creativity, explore innovative avenues, encourage a spirit of initiative and formulate original proposals as often as possible without giving in to the easy way out.

Results Culture

It drives how we operate our business without complacency or compromise. Only the unceasing quest for results guides our search and the proposals we make, combining all our resources to meet the objectives.

Our Commitments

ALCANDRE is committed to never betraying its Values as they guide our actions and affect how our colleagues are recognized.

A Commitment is not just a statement of intent. Quite the contrary: it is formal proof that our Mission, our Vision and our Values are concrete realities, carried every day by the company, demonstrating that Saying and Doing are one and the same.